Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Starting from the Top

Hi! I'm Kate!

This is my first blog post ... well, not my first. But I finally gave in and decided to start my own blog.

I've been 'blogging' for about a year for my work as a design team coordinator. I'm a big fan of blogs and an even bigger fan of Pinterest. I've always wanted my own blog but I commit so much time to my work blog, I felt like I couldn't put my heart into my own.

I decided it's time to make time. It's time to share what I do at my craft desk every weekend, what designs and planning I'm doing at work and a place to share the joys of crafting and travel.

Number one in my life is Jesus. I've been a Christian since I can remember but was born-again through Christ's love when I was 10 and baptized when I was 17. I grew up in Idaho, attending church there and now I live in Oregon and attend Newberg Foursquare.

I have the most amazing soulmate who I'm lucky enough to call my husband. Tony and I have been friends for about 5 years, married for 2 and parents for 1. Every sappy word comes to mind when I think of him, but I'll just say that God made him my perfect match and I wake up thankful for such a loving and kind man, who happens to love all my antics.
I have the most adorable little man named Noah. He was born October 29, 2011 and he's been making my heart skip a couple beats ever since. Although I had a slew of complications and my sweet son came out bright blue and didn't breath for the first five minutes, none of it matters when I look in those big brown eyes (and would do it again in a second). I truly cherish every little hand hold, every excited "HIEY" as I walk through the door, and every cuddle as he falls asleep in my arms. God gave me the most wonderful little gift I could have ever imagined.
I work for an amazing company - Art Impressions Rubber Stamps. I carry a few titles ... marketing, social media director, accounts manager, customer service, blog coordinator, trade show coordinator, card kit designer and probably 3 more I can't think of right now. I love my job, I have freedom to design and take on new tasks. I work for the most wonderful people in the world.
One long introduction later ... I'm very excited to be starting this blog. I'm not promising daily or even weekly posts, but I will be sharing new projects when I can!

Take care!